Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Healthy Cooking Tips from Dr. Weil

Even if you use the healthiest of ingredients in your recipes, certain cooking techniques can literally eradicate the goodness from foods. Try the following techniques for healthy cooking:

1 Avoid using charcoal or gas grills, which can increase the production of cancer-causing chemicals. Instead, use an electric grill.

2 Steam your vegetables. Boiling can deplete vegetables of many of their nutrients, while steaming removes far less of the good stuff, and leaves vegetables with a wonderful taste and texture.

3 To reduce the amount of fat when cooking, use broiling, baking and roasting pans (drizzle your items with extra-virgin olive oil instead of drowning them in butter or margarine). Chinese steamers or stir-fry pans are also good low-fat cooking options.

4 Never microwave anything in plastic wrap or plastic containers. If you must microwave, use glass containers and covers.

5 Replace all saturated fats in your kitchen with extra-virgin olive oil, canola oil (organic, expeller-pressed), grapeseed or walnut oils - these monounsaturated fats are far healthier than their saturated relatives.

Pesticides and the Dirty Dozen

Pesticides are chemicals used to eliminate the pests in farmer’s crops to help reduce loss and increase yield. While their toxicity is intended to be limited to the pests alone, much of the produce in these crops absorb the chemicals, which can then be transferred to humans when they are consumed.
In approving the use of pesticides, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assesses whether they pose an “unreasonable” risk to humans. However, your own unique body chemistry in combination with the types of foods you eat and your level of exposure will determine if you are susceptible to some of the known side effect of pesticides. These side effects include headache, nausea, tremors, diarrhea, chest pain and sweating to name a few. All of which result from damage to the nervous, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.
Adjusting your eating habits can lower your intake of pesticides -- sometimes dramatically so. Substitute organic for conventional produce that is consistently contaminated with pesticides. When organic is not available, eat fruits and vegetables with consistently low pesticide loads.

“The Dirty Dozen” most contaminated foods.

*Sweet Bell Peppers

Consistently Clean, least contaminated foods

*Sweet Corn
*Onions ((Pesticides were still found on onions, but at lower levels)
*Broccoli (Pesticides were still found on Broccoli, but at lower levels)

For more information on these foods and pesticides check out the following links:


"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Summer Ailments

The gel extracted from the inside of aloe (Aloe vera) leaves is a cost-effective, natural way to treat a variety of summer ailments: it can be used topically for the treatment of sunburn, first and second degree burns, skin irritations or inflammation, mosquito bites, and rashes from poisonous plants. It’s a good idea to keep a potted aloe in your kitchen. Slice open a leaf and apply the gel to the affected area, or consider keeping a lotion (look for those with a high percentage of aloe gel) or a gel product in your first aid kit. Be aware that topical use can trigger rare allergic reactions and may delay surgical wound healing. Always contact trained medical personnel for burns with significant blistering.

Sunscreen Reminder

Summer is almost officially here, which means lots of time out doors and in the sun. Remember to protect yourself from damaging UV rays and prevent the onset of skin cancer. Start by choosing a sunscreen with SPF of at least 15. I recommend using higher SPF for more sensitive skin and especially for on the face. Apply the sunscreen at your house before you even put on your bathing suit and/or clothing. That way you are guaranteed complete coverage and it gives the sunscreen some time to be absorbed. Also remember to reapply if you are going to be out for more that a few hours. Sunscreen wears off and stops working after a while in the sun especially when you are sweating and/or swimming. Follow the recommended guidelines on the sunscreen for how often you should reapply.
For more great information on the pros and cons of sunscreen and things you should keep in mind, check out the following link:

Insect Bites

Summer time is a great time of year to stop and smell the flowers. However, honeybees, wasps and other stinging, flower going, insects are also enjoying the fresh blooms. Here are some tips if you or your child has the unfortunate experience of being stung this season.
First, if you have never been stung before you may not know if you are allergic or not. If you or someone you know are stung and begin to have extreme swelling of the site, eyelids and mouth, difficulty breathing, swallowing or are experiencing mental confusion go immediately to your local ER or call 911.
If you are having the typical response of pain, irritation, redness and mild swelling you can use these tips to help alleviate your symptoms.

*Remove the stinger. Do Not squeeze it this will inject more of the venom in the patient.
*Clean the area
*The use of ice will sooth the pain and reduces swelling
*Homepathic remedies that you can get at your local health food store include
Apis mallifica 30x for inflammation, pain and burning
Cantharis 30x is good for bee or wasp stings
Urtica urens 30c is good for itching, burning and pain
*Insect bite lotion:
1 tsp lavender essential oil
1 tbp vegetable oil
Mix the two together and apply to site of wound. The lavender will help stop itching and reduces swelling. Do not use around the eyes.
*Aloe vera can also be used to sooth the site and help reduce swelling and irritation
*A great home remedy from mom is baking soda and water, mix into a paste and apply to the site of wound.

Memorial Day Liver Support

This weekend may be like many other weekends for you, or it may be the first chance you’ve had in a while to take some time off to spend with friends in family. Either way there’s a good chance that a fair amount of alcohol will be involved. So while you are enjoying your mini vacation remember that your liver is right there with you working overtime.
Your liver is one of the body’s most vital of organs. It processes dozens of metabolic reactions every second of every day, keeping the body nourished and in balance. It also removes toxins that our body is exposed to every day to protect us and keep us healthy – these toxins include alcohol. So help your liver do its job and protect it with some of these simple tips.
One, while you are dinking this weekend, try to remember to stay hydrated. You’ve heard it before, and now you are going to hear it again, 8 – 8oz glasses of water per day, a total of 64 oz, is the body’s required water intake. Staying hydrated regularly will help your liver do its job more efficiently and protect it from burning out. In addition to drinking water regularly try to drink a glass of water or two between cocktails. This will also help with the hangover.
Second, try incorporating liver supporting herbs into your daily supplements. You should especially consider this option if you consume alcohol regularly. Milk Thistle with Dandelion is an herb that will protect the liver cells and help restore them when they are worn out. Take 3 capsules in the morning and 3 more in the evening. Continue this regime for at least 2 weeks, longer if you drink more often than this weekend.
Most important Have Fun this weekend, and remember its always better to pay for a taxi than a DUI.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Protein, can you eat too much?

In the US we consume a large amount of protein on a daily basis, and ever since the Atkins craze people seem to be more concerned then ever about getting their protein. We should be aware however that protein has its own drawbacks.
• First, all animal forms of protein, even lean cuts, contain saturated fat.
• Second, if we eat more protein than our body needs in one day, the surplus will be converted and stored as fat.
• Third, proteins produce ammonium by-products, which must be eliminated by the body. This fact is two fold: one, the metabolism of the protein and the ammonium groups place an unnecessary burden on the liver and kidneys; two, the removal of the ammonium in the urine results in loss of water and electrolytes, leading to dehydration.
• Four, proteins increase the acidity of the blood and in order for the body to counter-balance this process it pulls calcium out of the bones and moves it into the blood as a buffer. This potentially weakens your bones.
• Last, but certainly not least, excess protein can lead to an increase in Homocysteine levels in the blood which is associated with development and progression of atherosclerosis (clogging of arteries).

So is protein bad? Definitely not, please eat your protein your body needs it to repair damaged tissue, replace old tissue and build functioning proteins in the body including muscle. Just be aware of how much protein you are consuming. Everything is in moderation.
How much protien should you eat?
• The average person, with very light physical activity, should eat 0.8-1.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight (divide pounds by 2.2 to convert to kg) per day.
• Moderately active persons exercising 30-45 minutes per day should be consuming 1.2 g/kg/day.
• Tri-athletes and marathon runners should be eating 1.6 grams per kilogram.
Example: An individual weighing 150 pounds, would be 68 kg and should consume 54-68 grams of protein per day. [(150/2.2) x (0.8)] – [(150/2.2) x (1.0)] = 54-68 grams

The key to remember is that when starting a new workout routine, whether for the first time or changing up an old one, you should increase your protien intake. Once you have settled into the new routine, after 3-4 weeks, you can bring the protien intake back down again.

Here are some examples of protein for you to consider:
• Half of an average skinless, boneless chicken breast is about 118 grams, and contains 27 grams protein and 130 calories,
• Half a salmon filet is about 198 grams and contains 43 grams protein and 289 calories.
• One cup of cooked black beans is about 172 grams and contains 15 grams protein and 227 calories.

Fight Club

For all you men out there trying to bulk up for Fight Club this summer, here are some recommendations.
• If you are trying to add on muscle, in addition to lifting weights you should consume 1.5 - 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. (See “Protien” for conversion and examples)
• If you are just trying to maintain that rock hard bod of yours, keep on lifting with out adding more weights and consume 1.0 -1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to maintain the muscle remodeling.
• Eat foods with a low Glycemic Index before your workout such as beans, pasta or brown rice (not white, it has a high glycemic index). Even some temperate climate fruits such as apples or peaches. These foods will sustain you thru your work out.
• Immediately after your work out, eat foods with a high glycemic index such as juice, tropical fruit like pineapple or banana, and white potatoes or white rice. After a work out, your muscles ability to take sugar out of the blood is at its highest. This is allows for a greater uptake of sugar into the muscle tissue which can be used to build more protein and muscle mass. This must be done immediatly after the workout.
• Remember when working out regularly you need to increase your calorie intake as well.
• A great book with more on these recommendations is
The Men's Health Hard Body Plan : The Ultimate 12-Week Program for Burning Fat and Building Muscle

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others wont feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Mary Ann Williamson

Monday, April 10, 2006


Kombucha, also known as the Manchurian or Kargasok mushroom, is not a mushroom but a symbiotic mixture of lactobacilli and yeast cultures.
Lactobacillus is a genus of Gram-positive facultative bacteria that are present in the gastrointestinal tract, and are an important genus of the gut flora. Commonly found in foods such as yogurt it acts as a pro-biotic when consumed.
As a Pro-biotic, kombucha aids the Stomach in the breakdown and digestion of food. Beneficial bacteria and yeasts, that comprise the live kombucha tea competes with and helps remove harmful bacteria, yeast and parasites.
Kombucha has also been said to aid the spleen, intestines, gall bladder and pancreas.
There have been some reports that have claimed toxicity and harmful side effects in those consuming Kombucha tea. However these reports were traced back to individuals making the tea at home where it was exposed to contamination.
You can find clean processed kombucha tea at Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Henry’s Markets or your local health conscious grocer.


It seems that lots of people are taking supplements these days to improve their health. The store shelves are lined with bottles upon bottles of everything from multi-vitamins to enzyme Co-Q10 and you find yourself wondering which ones may be right for you. But before you run out to your local nutrition store to stock up, consider a few things first. The human body is a highly regulated system that works to maintain a constant level of homeostasis thru metabolic checks and balances. The supplementation of nutrients that the body is not in need of can artificially tip these balances and may actually lead to complications. Instead, consider eating whole food sources. There are many nutritional benefits from eating whole foods that you can’t get from pill. In addition, the body can process the nutrients as it sees fit thru its own metabolic system. The consumption of pills can sometimes bombard the body with a nutrient end product that its doesn’t know what to do with. Of course eating your recommended 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is often times very difficult in today’s society. Supplementing with a good multi vitamin and mineral is a great way to ensure that you are getting your daily nutrients. When looking at other supplements, be sure to do your research and consult with your doctor or a nutritionist first.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

About the Goddess

Hi, my name is Brooke Leverone, I am the Health Goddess, and a Naturopathic medical student at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Bastyr is one of the leading shcools in Naturopathic medicine and one of 6 accredited schools world wide. I have been learning so much great information in this program that I couldn't possibly wait to graduate in order to share it all. So I have created this blog to bring information to you that will help in your healthy lifestyle goals. I will be posting new information for you as it becomes available to me. If there is ever a topic that you are interested in knowing more about, contact me, and I will post the information on the blog.

The Health Goddess